How I Found a Unique Exercise While Working From Home!

Everything you need to know about 12 relaxing poses of Chair Surya Namaskar

In Fitness And In Health


Image Source: Unsplash, Linkedin Sales Solutions

Working from home is hard! Especially when there are long working hours & long meetings.

In February of 2020, I got a severe ligament injury. I was on bed rest. After surgery & physiotherapy, I started working from home. Being glued to the bed, I had to put a laptop on the bed table over my legs. Soon enough, I started having back pain, neck pain & vertigo problems!

I need to get out of it, I thought.

While searching for some relaxing exercises in a sitting position, I came across Chair Surya Namaskar. It has similar yoga poses as Surya Namaskar(Sun Salutation) with little modification as it has to be done on a chair.

This miracle exercise(or set of yoga poses) helped me through that rehabilitation period of around 10 months.

I continue practicing the exercise, now its boundary extended to my office, airport, waiting area, I mean, anywhere & anytime whenever I feel the stiffness in my body.

Initially, Chair Surya Namaskar was created by the yoga practitioners for the elderly & people with restricted mobility (due to knee injury or disability).

Yes, it can not be a replacement for the Original Suryanamaskar.

Brief of Original Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

Surya Namaskar is an ancient tradition in India. It is considered to be one of the most powerful yoga asanas (poses). An original Surya Namaskar consists of 12 regular yoga poses.

These poses are a combination of both weight training & stretching exercises. A sequence of inhaling & exhaling breaths is to be followed with these 12 yoga asanas. In our daily routine, we can do a regular Surya namaskar in the range of 5–12 sets.

What is Chair Surya Namaskar?

Coming to the modified version of Sun Salutation, Chair Surya Namaskar has similar 12 yoga poses. The difference is that the person can do them sitting on a chair instead.

Image Source: Instagram (Kayanayoga)

How to do Chair Surya Namaskar?

1. Prayer Pose (Pranam asana)

Breathing Process: Normal Breathing. Sit comfortably on the chair with a straight back. Fold your hands as in a namaste pose.

2. Back Stretched Hand Pose (Hasta Uttan Asana)

Breathing Process: Inhale(Breathe in). Stretch your hands up & bend backward. Try to make the shape of your pose like a half-moon.

3. Forward Bending Pose (Modified Sasank Asana)

Breathing Process: Exhale(Breathe out). It is the hand-to-foot posture. Touch your hands to the ground parallel to the legs.

4. Knee to Chest Pose (Modified Ashwa Sanchalan Asana)

Breathing Process: Inhale(Breathe in). Put your right leg up on the chair close to your chest. The face should be facing upwards towards the roof.

5. One Foot Gas Release Pose (Modified Supta Pawanmukt Asana)

Breathing Process: Exhale(Breathe out). Now, move your face inwards to touch your forehead with your right knee.

6. Gas Release Pose (Modified Paad Pawanmukt Asana)

Breathing Process: Both Inhale & Exhale. Come back to the normal sitting position. Lift your legs upwards. Keep them straight & parallel to the chair surface.

7. Stretched Hands Pose

Breathing Process: Inhale(Breathe in). Keep your hands straight in the air & stretch. You can bend the stretched hands backward or sideways aligning your body with the movement.

8. Same as 3rd Pose

The 9th and 10th Pose are similar to the 4th & 5th Pose respectively. The only difference, use the left leg while doing the exercise.

The 11th pose and 12th pose are the same as the 2nd & 1st pose respectively.

Image Source: Instagram (yoga_being yourself)

Chair Surya Namaskar is gaining popularity because of its ease and comfortability. It is good for all types of people -office going, homemakers, old people & children.

Most Beneficial for below cases

  1. Undergoing therapeutic healing
  2. Work from home people
  3. Long hour meetings & travels
  4. Busy people(short on time)
  5. Back Pain & Fatigue
  6. Mobility issues
  7. Elderly people
  8. People with desk jobs

When to do Chair Surya Namaskar?

You can do this exercise anytime & anywhere!

Benefits of Chair Surya Namaskar

  1. Reduces stiffness
  2. Boosts energy levels
  3. Improves blood circulation
  4. Elevates mood
  5. Strengthens spine
  6. Improves concentration at work
  7. Relieves neck and back pain

Who Should Not Do Surya Namaskar?

  1. Pregnant Woman(after the first trimester)
  2. Recent spinal or abdominal surgery
  3. High blood pressure
  4. Vertigo
  5. In case of breathing ailments, do not hold breaths

**In case of any doubts, you should consult a physiotherapist or yoga practitioner.

Final Thoughts

Chair Surya Namaskar is an attempt made by yoga practitioners to make yoga being accessible to all.

So, where you are, at any time, in any situation, you can practice & advise your loved ones too to do it, especially your elderly people in your house!

Hope you will try Chair Surya Namaskar...


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In Fitness And In Health

The One from a Mysterious Land. A Content Writer. An Educator. An Ardent Reader. Spiritual Believer.