Unlock Four Spiritual Codes to an Amazing Life — These are Easy to Follow!

3 min readSep 10, 2022

Spiritual Guru Gaur Gopal Das has taught many important lessons in his book “Life’s Amazing Secrets”

Image Source: Unsplash, Joshua Earle

Create a life that feels good on the inside, not just one that looks good on the outside.

Spirituality brings us close to a more beautiful, content & meaningful life. It says, our life is balanced by four wheels, naming personal life, relations, work-life & social duty.

For an amazing life, you need to pump & take care of all four wheels.

Image created by the author

So, let’s learn how to balance these four wheels of life by unlocking four spiritual codes. Starting with the first wheel of life, Personal Life.

First Code — Balance Your Personal Life by Keeping a Gratitude Log.

Now the question is, how to practice gratitude(or thankfulness) in our daily lives?

Push the pause button & write 5–10 things to be grateful for today in a diary or journal first thing in the morning. Include spiritual practices (meditation/chanting/spiritual praying/listening to peaceful spiritual videos, etc) in your daily lives.

Image Source: Unsplash.com

Now, let’s learn the second code to balance the wheel of relationships.

Second Code — You Play an Important Role In Maintaining Relationships.

We tend to take our close ones for granted. Sometimes, we don’t think before speaking (especially when correcting them!). Do speak sensitively in all relationships.

For maintaining healthy relationships, you need to play an important role.

  • You would see the good & bad of a person. When you “choose to focus on the good & neglect the bad”, your relationships flourish.
  • Forgiveness is looking beyond the shortcomings of a person.
  • Relationships can uplift us or break us. It is your input that can make your relationships powerful & meaningful.

Now, the spiritual code for the third wheel of life, Work life.

Third Code — Be Attentive & Straightforward In Business.

Invest in healthy competition by improving yourself as compared to your younger version. Office politics would always be there. Learn to deal with it in a clean way.

For a meaningful life, you need to take care of your work-life in the same way as your personal life.

  • Spirituality transforms your character, but it doesn’t make us fools!
  • Nourish good character with achaar, vichaar & prachaar (action, philosophy, & being a role model).

Does spirituality kill ambition? The answer is NO! You compete & achieve your goals & help others with being content in life. It doesn’t make you behave timidly when comes to work.

Lastly, the fourth spiritual code for balancing the fourth wheel of life, Social Contribution.

Fourth Code — Shift your philosophy of ice cream to the philosophy of candle.

Enjoy it before it melts is the philosophy of ice cream. Giving light to others before it melts is the philosophy of a candle.

We tend to give our day-to-day sacrifices in our family to maintain relationships. But when we expand our selflessness to serve the community (by doing donations, services, etc) & also to the nation (by being soldiers, civil servants, taxpayers, etc), it is the first step to being selfless.

So now, you have learned how to unlock these four secrets to an amazing life. From which wheel are you starting today?

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Originally published at https://candlemonk.com.




The One from a Mysterious Land. A Content Writer. An Educator. An Ardent Reader. Spiritual Believer.